

Posture assessment software, posture grids, posture exercise training, screening tools, patient education lectures, posture app, posture charts and CPEP posture specialist certification. 

Preferred by doctors, trainers, therapists, educators, researchers, clinics, universities and hospitals worldwide.

Become the local Posture Specialist!

770-922-0700 / 1-866-443-8966
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PostureZone is a comprehensive posture screening software. Create reports to document posture adaptations and show postural changes, for better or worse.

Posture picture assessments demonstrate improvement during care and give patients/clients a concrete communication tool to refer friends and family.


Use our #1 rated posture grids to analyze posture! Take posture pictures of patient/client standing posture and document posture improvement or decline.

Choose from eye-catching portable, wall and door options. Standard and metric available. Great in-office or for a posture pro analysis on the go! Use it with the free PostureZone app on iTunes!


Lively, hands-on Posture Practice seminars, online education, and CPEP Posture Certification. Learn the posture protocols getting media Buzz! Get results, and become the local Posture Expert.

‘Take it to the streets’ with the Posture & Anti-Aging or Stand Taller Live Longer lecture you present at community events and posture screenings.


NEW! Download the new PostureZone app! Free on iTunes. StrongPosture begins with a posture assessment. PostureZone app is the analysis tool for everyone (pros too) to set a benchmark for improvement.

The Pro Version adds case management, tap to zoom, export options, PosturePractice videos for a one-time upgrade of only $9.99!

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